Aarseth, Espen | | | |
Abercrombie, John R. | | | |
Acker Stephen R. | | | |
Adams Anthony | | | |
Addison, Joanne | | | |
Adriaens, Geert | | | |
Akker, Jan van den | | | |
Albrecht, Conan C. | | | |
Alexander, Jonathan | | | |
Allen, Johnathan | | | |
Allen, Nancy | | | |
Almekinders, Marinus | | | |
Althauser Robert | | | |
Amato, Joe | | | |
Amdahl, Mark | | | |
Amicucci, Ann N. | | | |
Amy, Lori E. | | | |
Andersen, Peter Bogh | | | |
Andersen, Wallis May | | | |
Anderson, Daniel | | | |
Andeweg Bas A. | | | |
Andrews Deborah C. | | | |
Angeli Charoula | | | |
Anson, Chris M. | | | |
Antonette, Lesliee | | | |
Apperson-Williams, Eileen | | | |
Appleby, Bruce C. | | | |
Applen, J.D. | | | |
Arms, Valerie | | | |
Aronowitz, Stanley | | | |
Aschauer, Ann Brady | | | |
Ashcroft S. J. | | | |
Ashton, Beverly | | | |
Asselin, P. | | | |
Atkins, Anthony T. | | | |
Atkinson, Bill | | | |
Auciello, Joseph | | | |
Austin, Warren Wendy | | | |
Auten, Anne | | | |
Ayer, James | | | |
Back, Maribeth | | | |
Bailey, George | | | |
Baker, Christopher | | | |
Balajthy, Ernest | | | |
Baldwin, George | | | |
Balester, Valerie M. | | | |
Balkema, Sandra | | | |
Balthazor Ron | | | |
Bar-Natan, Irit | | | |
Barber, John F. | | | |
Barclay, Dean | | | |
Barile, Ami L | | | |
Barker, Thomas T. | | | |
Barkley, Elizabeth F. | | | |
Barnes, Linda Laube | | | |
Barnes, Luann | | | |
Baron, Dennis | | | |
Barrett, Edward | | | |
Barrett, Helen | | | |
Barth, Rodney J | | | |
Barton, Ellen L. | | | |
Barton, Matt | | | |
Bascelli Daniele | | | |
Bateman, John A. | | | |
Batey, Anne | | | |
Batschelet, Margaret | | | |
Batson, Trent W. | | | |
Batyi, Thoko | | | |
Baydere, S. | | | |
Bazerman, Charles | | | |
Beals, Timothy J. | | | |
Bean, John C. | | | |
Beasley, Amy | | | |
Beason, Larry | | | |
Beck, Eevi Elisabeth | | | |
Becker, Henry J. | | | |
Beebe, Randall L. | | | |
Beeken, J. | | | |
Beene, Lynn | | | |
Beer, Marlin | | | |
Belcher, Diane D. | | | |
Bell, Kathleen | | | |
Bencivenga, Jim | | | |
Bennett, Michael | | | |
Bereiter, Carl | | | |
Berge, Zane L. | | | |
Bernhardt, Bill | | | |
Bernhardt, Stephen A. | | | |
Berry Eleanor | | | |
Bertsch Michael | | | |
Berzsenyi, Christyne | | | |
Beyersdorfer, Janet | | | |
Bickel, Linda L. | | | |
Bischoff Linda | | | |
Bishop, Wendy | | | |
Bjork, Patrick, B. | | | |
Black Thomas | | | |
Blackmon, Samantha | | | |
Blair, Kristine | | | |
Blair, Leslie | | | |
Blanchard, Anita | | | |
Blattner, Nancy | | | |
Blau, Sheridan | | | |
Bleau, Peter L. | | | |
Blersch, Stuart | | | |
Blouin, Rose | | | |
Blum-Malley, Suzanne | | | |
Blythe, Stuart | | | |
Boe, John | | | |
Boehm, Diane Christian | | | |
Boese, Christine | | | |
Boiarsky, Carolyn | | | |
Bolter, Jay David | | | |
Bolton, Sandra | | | |
Bonadonna, Angelo | | | |
Bonevelle, Mary J. | | | |
Bonime, Andrew | | | |
Bonk, Curtis J. | | | |
Boone, Randy | | | |
Borden, Victor M.H. | | | |
Boreen, Jean | | | |
Borghans, Lex | | | |
Bork, Alfred | | | |
Born, Gary | | | |
Borrowman, Shane | | | |
Boruta, Marcia J. | | | |
Bosco, James | | | |
Boston, Robert | | | |
Boudreau, Michael R. | | | |
Bowden, Melody | | | |
Bowen Betsy A. | | | |
Bowie, Jennifer L. | | | |
Boyd, Patricia Webb | | | |
Bozorgian, Hoosein | | | |
Bracey, Gerald R. | | | |
Braine, George | | | |
Breese, Chris | | | |
Breininger, Lynn J. | | | |
Brent, Doug | | | |
Brent, Edward | | | |
Briand, Paul L Jr. | | | |
Bridgman, Katherine | | | |
Bridwell, Lillian | | | |
Bringsjord Selmer | | | |
Brink, Dan | | | |
Britton, Bruce K. | | | |
Broad, Bob | | | |
Broch-Colombini Crystal | | | |
Brockmann R. John | | | |
Brooke, Collin Gifford | | | |
Brown, Deb | | | |
Brown, Lady Falls | | | |
Brown, Susan A. | | | |
Brownell, Thomas | | | |
Browning, Christine | | | |
Browning, Tonya | | | |
Bruce, Bertram C. | | | |
Brunner, Hans | | | |
Bryan, John G. | | | |
Bryant, Jim | | | |
Bryson, Mary | | | |
Buchanan, Richard A. | | | |
Buckley, Joanne | | | |
Buller, Thomas | | | |
Bump, Jerome | | | |
Bundy, Diana | | | |
Bureau W. Edward | | | |
Burgess Maureen Alana | | | |
Burke, Jennifer N. | | | |
Burley, Hansel | | | |
Burnard, Lou | | | |
Burnett, Rebecca E. | | | |
Burnham Colleen | | | |
Burns, Dan | | | |
Burns, Hugh L. | | | |
Burrow-Flak, Elizabeth | | | |
Burrows, John F. | | | |
Burton, Vicki Tolar | | | |
Butler Sydney J | | | |
Butler, Christopher S. | | | |
Butler, Wayne | | | |
Byerly, Gayle A. | | | |
Byrd Don | | | |
Caldwell, Robert M. | | | |
Cambridge, Barbara L. | | | |
Cambridge, Darren | | | |
Campbell, Donna M. | | | |
Campbell, Jo | | | |
Cantrell, Ayne | | | |
Carbone, Nick | | | |
Cardinal, Alison | | | |
Carino, Peter | | | |
Carlson Patricia Ann | | | |
Carlson Shirley | | | |
Carlson, David A. | | | |
Carter, Locke | | | |
Casanave, Christine Pearson | | | |
Case, Donald | | | |
Casey, T. | | | |
Cassidy, Jacquelyn A. | | | |
Castner, Joanna A. | | | |
Catano, James V. | | | |
Caviglia Francesco | | | |
Chadwick, Scott A | | | |
Champagne, Maurice A. | | | |
Chandler, Daniel | | | |
Chandler, Jean | | | |
Chang, Kai H | | | |
Chapelle, Carol A. | | | |
Chapman, April | | | |
Chapman, David W. | | | |
Charles, Cristie Cowles | | | |
Charney, Davida | | | |
Cheek, Madelon | | | |
Chen Helen L. | | | |
Chen, Kate Tzu-Ching | | | |
Childers, Pamela B. | | | |
Chismar, Connie | | | |
Cho, Kwangsu | | | |
Chong Siat-Moy | | | |
Christianson, J. Scott | | | |
Chuang, S. | | | |
Chun, Dorothy M. | | | |
Chung, P.W.H | | | |
Civello, Catherine A. | | | |
Cizek, Gregory J. | | | |
Clark Michael | | | |
Clark Papper, Carole | | | |
Clark, Carlton | | | |
Clark, Irene | | | |
Clark, Lawrence J. | | | |
Claxton, Mae Miller | | | |
Clayton, Maria | | | |
Clements, Douglas H. | | | |
Clyde, William | | | |
Cochran-Smith, Marilyn | | | |
Cochran, Cynthia | | | |
Coffield, Kata | | | |
Cogdill, Sharon | | | |
Cohen, Michael | | | |
Colby, Richard | | | |
Coldwell, Donald A. | | | |
Collier, Richard M. | | | |
Collins, Allan | | | |
Collins, James L. | | | |
Collins, Mauri P. | | | |
Collins, Terrance | | | |
Collins, Terrence | | | |
Colpo, Michael | | | |
Coltar, Morton | | | |
Comstock, Michelle | | | |
Condon, William | | | |
Connelly, Jane | | | |
Connor Ulla | | | |
Considine, David M. | | | |
Conway, Glenda | | | |
Coogan, David | | | |
Cook, Jodi | | | |
Cookson, Stefanie | | | |
Coombs, Norman | | | |
Cooney Deborah H. | | | |
Cooper, Camille C. | | | |
Cooper, Marilyn M. | | | |
Corbett, Edward P.J. | | | |
Corrigan, Dagmar Stuehrk | | | |
Corso, Gail S. | | | |
Costanzo, William | | | |
Cotlar, Morton | | | |
Courtney, Tim | | | |
Covino William A. | | | |
Coye, Ray W. | | | |
Crafton, Robert E. | | | |
Craig, Terry | | | |
Crawford MaryAnn Krajnik | | | |
Crew, Louie | | | |
Cross, Janet | | | |
Crow, Angela | | | |
Crump, Eric | | | |
Crusan, Deborah | | | |
Csomay, Eniko | | | |
Cubbison, Laurie | | | |
Cui, Wenqi | | | |
Cullen, Charles | | | |
Cullen, Roxanne | | | |
Cullen, Theresa A. | | | |
Cummings, Robert E. | | | |
Cummins, Gail | | | |
Cummins, Richard | | | |
Cunningham, Donald J. | | | |
Cunningham, Priscilla | | | |
Curtice, Carolyn Ann | | | |
Curtis, Andy | | | |
Curtis, Francis | | | |
Curtis, Marcia S. | | | |
Cushman, Ellen | | | |
Cyganowski, Carol Klimick | | | |
D'Agostino, Karen Nilson | | | |
D'Souza, Veasey, Patricia | | | |
Daigon, Arthur | | | |
Daiker, Donald A. | | | |
Daisley, Margaret | | | |
Daiute, Colette A. | | | |
Dale, Robert | | | |
Dalke Deborah | | | |
Dalton, Bridget M. | | | |
Dalton, David W. | | | |
Danowski, Debbie | | | |
Dautermann, Jennie | | | |
Davis, Boyd | | | |
Davis, Hazel K. | | | |
Davis, James Christopher | | | |
Davis, James E. | | | |
Davis, Ken | | | |
Davis, Stuart | | | |
Davison, Ned J. | | | |
Day, John T. | | | |
Day, Michael | | | |
De Pew, Kevin Eric | | | |
Dean, Christopher | | | |
DeCamp, Abbie Levesque | | | |
December, John | | | |
Decortis, Françoise | | | |
Degl'Innocenti Riccardo | | | |
Delohery, Andrew | | | |
Deming, Mary P. | | | |
Demissie Ayal | | | |
Demoussis, Michael | | | |
Denley, I. | | | |
Derman, Bonnie | | | |
Derrick, Thomas J. | | | |
Desmet, Christy | | | |
DeVoss, Dànielle Nicole | | | |
DeWitt, Scott, Lloyd | | | |
Dickson, Marcia | | | |
Dierckins, Tony | | | |
Dillon David | | | |
Dillon, A. | | | |
Dinan, John S. | | | |
Dittmer, Allan | | | |
Dix, A.J. | | | |
Dobberstein, Michael | | | |
Dobrin, David N. | | | |
Doherty, Mick | | | |
Dorbolo Jon | | | |
Dorn, Dean S. | | | |
Dorner, Jane | | | |
Dornsife Jr, Robert S. | | | |
Dornsife Jr., Donald S. | | | |
Dorwick, Keith | | | |
Douglas, J. Yellowlees | | | |
Douglas, Shona | | | |
Douglass Aircraft Co Inc | | | |
Dowling, Carolyn | | | |
Dragona Aliki | | | |
Draper, Stephen W. | | | |
Drazdowski Tom | | | |
Dryden, L. M. | | | |
Dueber Bill | | | |
Duffelmeyer, Barbara Blakely | | | |
Duffy Thomas M. | | | |
Duguay Kathleen | | | |
Duin, Ann | | | |
Duin, Anne Hill | | | |
Dunfey Joan | | | |
Dunn De Mers, Kathleen | | | |
Dunn, Patricia A. | | | |
Dunwell, Stephen | | | |
Durso, Francis T | | | |
Dusenberry, Lisa | | | |
Easterbrook, S.M. | | | |
Eastmond, Dan | | | |
Edgar, Christopher | | | |
Ediger, Marlow | | | |
Edwards Thomas S. | | | |
Edwards, Penny R. | | | |
Egbert, Joy L. | | | |
Eggers, Tilly | | | |
Ehmann, Christa | | | |
Ehrenfeld, Dan | | | |
Eiler, Mary Ann | | | |
Einum, Even | | | |
Eisele, James E. | | | |
Eklundh, Kerstin Severinson | | | |
Elder, John | | | |
Elias, David | | | |
Ellertson, Anthony | | | |
Elliott, Catherine B. | | | |
Ellis, Allan B | | | |
Ellis, Robert A. | | | |
Ellis, Shelley | | | |
Ellsworth, Jill H. | | | |
Ely Richard | | | |
Emmett Bill | | | |
Engen-Wedin, Nancy | | | |
English, Joel A. | | | |
Enos, Richard Leo | | | |
Enos, Theresa | | | |
Enright, Nancy | | | |
Ensher, Ellen A. | | | |
Ericsson, Patricia | | | |
Erkens, Gijsbert | | | |
Essid, Joe | | | |
Etchison, Craig | | | |
Evans Malcolm | | | |
Evans, John F. | | | |
Eyman, Douglas | | | |
Eynon Bret | | | |
Faery, Blevins, Rebecca | | | |
Fagerjord, Anders | | | |
Faigley, Lester | | | |
Fajen, Ava A. | | | |
Farkas David K. | | | |
Farrell Pamela B. | | | |
Fauverge, Agnès | | | |
Fazio, Gene | | | |
Federenko, Ed | | | |
Feeley, Joan T. | | | |
Feenberg, Andrew | | | |
Felter Maryanne | | | |
Feltovich, Brian | | | |
Fernandez Victor | | | |
Ferrara, Kathleen | | | |
Ferraris Maria | | | |
Ferrell Karen | | | |
Ferris, Dianne | | | |
Feustle Jr., Joseph A. | | | |
Fey, Marion Harris | | | |
Field Barbara | | | |
Findlay, Gilbert | | | |
Finkelstein Anthony | | | |
Finlay, William | | | |
Fischer, Katherine M. | | | |
Fisher, David | | | |
Fisher, Eunice | | | |
Fisher, Marsh | | | |
Fitch, Raymond E. | | | |
Fitzgerald, Sallyanne H. | | | |
Fitzpatrick, Christine Y. | | | |
Fitzpatrick, Maureen | | | |
Fitzsimmons-Hunter Patricia | | | |
Flanagan, Mary | | | |
Fleckenstein, Kristie S. | | | |
Fleming, Denise K | | | |
Fleming, Margaret | | | |
Flick, Amy | | | |
Fligelstone, Steven | | | |
Flores, Mary J. | | | |
Foley, Joseph | | | |
Folkesson, Anne-Mari | | | |
Fontenot, Dean | | | |
Forbes, Cheryl | | | |
Forman, Janis | | | |
Forster Jorg K.W. | | | |
Fortune, Ronald | | | |
Fournier Janice | | | |
Franklin, Stephen | | | |
Frase, Lawrence T. | | | |
Frazee, Andy | | | |
Fredrick Daniel R. | | | |
Frick, Jane | | | |
Friedlander, Alexander | | | |
Friedman, Joyce | | | |
Friedman, Morton | | | |
Fries, Stefan | | | |
Fuglevik, Kristian | | | |
Fullmer, Shawn | | | |
Gabbert, Diana | | | |
Gage, Scott | | | |
Gagnon, Rebecca | | | |
Gaines, Sylvia W. | | | |
Gaines, Warren M. | | | |
Galbraith David | | | |
Galin, Jeffrey R. | | | |
Gallagher, John R. | | | |
Gardner, Clinton | | | |
Gardner, Ruth | | | |
Garvey, James J. | | | |
Gay Pamela | | | |
Gebhardt, Richard | | | |
Geerts, G. | | | |
Geissler Kathleen | | | |
Gentry, Thomas A. | | | |
George, Diana | | | |
George, Steven M. | | | |
Geren Phyllis | | | |
Gerrard, Lisa | | | |
Getta, Janus | | | |
Getto, Guiseppe | | | |
Ghaoui, Claude | | | |
Giannakopoulos, Nicholas | | | |
Giansiracusa, Robert | | | |
Gibson, Jim | | | |
Gifford, James | | | |
Gilbert, Michael N | | | |
Gillam, Ken | | | |
Gillaspy, Mary | | | |
Gillespie, Paula | | | |
Gillette, David | | | |
Gingrich, Patricia S. | | | |
Ginther, April | | | |
Glaros, Michelle | | | |
Glenberg, Arthur M. | | | |
Glopper, Kees de | | | |
Glotfelter, Angela | | | |
Glover Angela | | | |
Glynn, Shawn M. | | | |
Gold, Rich | | | |
Gollihue, Krystin N. | | | |
Golson, Emily | | | |
Golub, Lester | | | |
Goodall, Hilary | | | |
Goodlet, James | | | |
Goodman, Sharon | | | |
Goodson, Ivor F. | | | |
Gorak, Kathleen S. | | | |
Gordon, Nicholas | | | |
Gorman, Louise | | | |
Gos, Michael W. | | | |
Goya Kelli | | | |
Grabill, Jeffrey T. | | | |
Grabill, Patricia J. | | | |
Grabner-Hagen Melissa Marie | | | |
Grant, Leslie | | | |
Graves, Gary | | | |
Gray-Rosendale, Laura | | | |
Gray, Donald | | | |
Gray, Kellie | | | |
Green, Anne M. | | | |
Green, Robert C. | | | |
Greenleaf, Cynthia | | | |
Gresham, Morgan | | | |
Grice Roger A | | | |
Griffin June | | | |
Griffin, Jake C. | | | |
Grigar, Dene | | | |
Grimm, Nancy Maloney | | | |
Grøgaard, Stian | | | |
Groundwater-Smith, Susan | | | |
Grow, Gerald | | | |
Gruber, Sibylle | | | |
Guardado, Martin | | | |
Guilbault Lauralee | | | |
Guyer, Carolyn | | | |
Haas, Christina | | | |
Haas, Mark | | | |
Haefner, Joel | | | |
Haegele, Gerald E. | | | |
Hafer, Gary R. | | | |
Haigh, Roger W. | | | |
Hailey Jr., David E. | | | |
Hakel Milton D. | | | |
Halio, Marcia Peoples | | | |
Haller, Carl | | | |
Haller, Cynthia R. | | | |
Halpern, Jeanne W. | | | |
Hamalainien, Matti | | | |
Hamilton, Sharon | | | |
Handa, Carolyn | | | |
Handley, Mark | | | |
Hanley, Christine A | | | |
Hannafin, Michael J. | | | |
Hansen Craig J. | | | |
Hansen Edmund J. | | | |
Hansen Randall S. | | | |
Hanson Linda K. | | | |
Hara, Mark | | | |
Hardcastle Gary L. | | | |
Hardcastle Valerie Gray | | | |
Hardt, Ulrich H. | | | |
Harmon, Charles | | | |
Harnack, Andrew | | | |
Harrington, Susanmarie | | | |
Harris Alma | | | |
Harris, Jeanette | | | |
Harris, Leslie D. | | | |
Harris, Muriel | | | |
Harrison, M.D. | | | |
Harrison, Stanley D. | | | |
Harrison, Teresa M. | | | |
Hart-Davidson, Bill | | | |
Hart, Alexis | | | |
Hart, Betty | | | |
Hartley, Anthony | | | |
Hartley, Cecilia | | | |
Hartley, James | | | |
Hartman, Karen | | | |
Haselkorn Mark P. | | | |
Haswell, Richard H. | | | |
Hauser, Sabine | | | |
Hawisher, Gail E. | | "Flippin' the script"/"Blowin' up the spot": puttin' Hip-Hop online in (African) America and South Africa"Seeing it on the screen isn't really seeing it": Computer writers' reading problems"What is Composition...?" After Duchamp (Notes Toward a General Teleintertext)Access: The A-Word in Technology Studies Beyond Imagination: The Internet and Global Digital Literacy Breaking Down Barriers: High Schools and Computer ConferencingChanging economies, changing policies, and the Web: a Hungarian perspective Complicating the tourist gaze: literacy and the Internet as catalysts for articulating a postcolonial Palauan identity Computer conferencing: An emerging technologyComputerized text analysis and the teaching of writingComputers and basic writers: A critical viewComputers and Composition Studies: Articulating a Pattern of DiscoveryComputers and the Writing Classroom: A Look to the Future Computers in public schools: Are we being realistic? Computers, composition pedagogy, and the social viewConclusion: hybrid and transgressive literacy parties on the WebCritical Perspectives on Computers and Composition InstructionCybercuba.com (munist): electronica literacy, resistance, and Postrevolutionary Cuba Desktop publishing: Perspectives, potentials, and politicsElectronic Meetings of the Minds: Research, Electronic Conferences, and Composition StudiesEnglish Teachers and the Humanization of Computers: Networking Communities of Readers and WritersEvolving Perspectives on Computers and Composition Studies: Questions for the 1990sExploring the Implications of Metaphors for Computer Networks and HypermediaFrom Pencils to Pixels: The Stages of Literacy TechnologiesGlobal Literacies: Postmodern Identities on the World Wide WebHyper-readers and their Reading Engines Introduction: The Passions that Mark Us: Teaching, Texts, and TechnologiesLiberal Individualism and Internet Policy: A Communitarian Critique Multiple literacies and multimedia: a comparison of Japanese and American uses of the Internet Norwegian accords: shaping peace, education, and gender on the WebOn Literacy and Its Teaching: Issues in English EducationPassions, Pedagogies, and Twenty-First Century TechnologiesPetals on a Wet, Black Bough: Textuality, Collaboration, and the New EssayPolitical Impediments to Virtual RealityPostmodern Pedagogy in Electric Conversations Preparing English Teachers for the Virtual Age: The Case for Technology CriticsRe-imagining Computers and Composition: Teaching and Research in the Virtual AgeReading sideways, backwards, and across: Scottish and American literacy practices and weaving the WebRedefining literacy: The multilayered grammars of computers Research and recommendations for computers and compositionResponse: Dropping Bread Crumbs in the Intellectual Forest: Critical Literacy in a Postmodern AgeResponse: Speaking the Unspeakable About 21st Century Technologies Ringing in the Virtual Age: Hypermedia Authoring Software and the Revival of Faculty-Based Software Development in CompositionSaving a Place for Essayistic LiteracyShould we do what we can? Social Epistemic Rhetoric and Chaotic Discourse Teaching Composition in Tomorrow's Multimedia, Multinetworked ClassroomsThe Haunting of J: Genealogy As A Critical Category in Understanding How a Writer Composes The Virtual Context: Ethnography in the Computer-Equipped Writing ClassroomTraining college teachers for computers and writingVisual and verbal thinking: Drawing and word-processing software in writing instructionWeb literacies of the already accessed and technically inclined: schooling in Monterrey, Mexico What Are They Talking About? Computer Terms That English Teachers May Need to KnowWorking the Web in postcolonial Australia Xenes glosses: literacy and cultural implications of the Web for Greece | |
Hawkins Ruth | | | |
Hawkins, Amy | | | |
Hawley Chandra L. | | | |
Haynes, Cynthia | | | |
Healy, Dave | | | |
Heaps, Allan | | | |
Heba, Gary | | | |
Hebert, Brenda G | | | |
Heebner Amy L. | | | |
Heilbrun, Carol | | | |
Heller, Rachelle | | | |
Helms-Park, Rena | | | |
Henderson Powell G. | | | |
Hendrix, Ellen H. | | | |
Hepler, Molly | | | |
Hern, Tommy | | | |
Herrington, Anne | | | |
Herrington, TyAnna K. | | | |
Herrmann, Andrea, W. | | | |
Hertz-Lazarowitz, Rachel | | | |
Hesse, Douglas | | | |
Hessler, H. Brooke | | | |
Heun, Christian | | | |
Hewett, Beth L. | | | |
Hickey, Dona | | | |
Hiemstra, Roger | | | |
Hildreth, Donna | | | |
Hill, Charles A. | | | |
Hill, Elaine N. | | | |
Hilligoss, Susan | | | |
Hines, Alicia Headlam | | | |
Hirst Graeme | | | |
Hirvela, Alan | | | |
Hoard, James E. | | | |
Hobson, Eric H. | | | |
Hochman, Will | | | |
Hockey, Susan | | | |
Hocking, Joan | | | |
Hocks, Mary E. | | | |
Hoekstra Erika R. | | | |
Hoffman, Eric | | | |
Hokanson, B | | | |
Holbrook, Hilary Taylor | | | |
Holcomb, Christopher | | | |
Holdich, C.E | | | |
Holdich, R. G | | | |
Holdstein, Deborah H | | | |
Hollingsworth, Julia | | | |
Holmes, Steve | | | |
Holmqvist, Berit | | | |
Holt, Patrik O'Brian | | | |
Holzhauser, Katherina | | | |
Honeycutt, Lee | | | |
Hood, Carra | | | |
Hood, Laura M. | | | |
Hooper, S | | | |
Hooven Sandra | | | |
Hoover, Regina M. | | | |
Hopkins, Stephens | | | |
Horn, William Dennis | | | |
Horz, Holger | | | |
Hovstad, Unni | | | |
Hovy, Eduard H. | | | |
Howard Tharon W. | | | |
Howard, Diane | | | |
Howard, Rebecca Moore | | | |
Howell Gordon | | | |
Howie, Sherry, Hill | | | |
Hubbard, Danica | | | |
Hueners, Deana | | | |
Huergo Elizabeth W. de | | | |
Hughes Julie | | | |
Hughes M. Rini | | | |
Hughes, Bradley T. | | | |
Hughes, Megan | | | |
Hull, Glynda A. | | | |
Hult, Christine A. | | | |
Humphreys David | | | |
Hunt, Russell A. | | | |
Hunter, Linda | | | |
Huot, Brian A. | | | |
Hurford, Jeanne M. | | | |
Hutchison, Allison | | | |
Hutter, Liz | | | |
Hyler, Linda | | | |
Hyun, Eunsook | | | |
Inglesby, Pamela | | | |
Ingram, Wes | | | |
Inman, James A. | | | |
Irby, Thomas C. | | | |
Ismail, Nermeen. | | | |
Isoda Hachiro | | | |
Jacoby Jay | | | |
Jakobovits, Leon A. | | | |
Jakobs Eva-Maria | | | |
James Geoffrey | | | |
James, Cindy L. | | | |
Janangelo, Joseph | | | |
Jansen, Carel J. M. | | | |
Jaspers, Jos | | | |
Jay, Hilda L. | | | |
Jay, M. Ellen | | | |
Jenéy, Cynthia L. | | | |
Jenkins, Peggy | | | |
Jenkins, William A | | | |
Jeppsen, Mary | | | |
Jessup, Leonard M. | | | |
Jiang, Jialei | | | |
Jobe, Karen D. | | | |
Jobst, Jack | | | |
Johanek, Cindy | | | |
Johanyak, Michael F. | | | |
Johnson-Eilola, Johndan | | | |
Johnson, Eric | | | |
Johnson, J. Paul | | | |
Johnson, Joanna | | | |
Johnson, Robert R. | | | |
Johnstone Jason | | | |
Jones Joseph | | | |
Jones Susan B. | | | |
Jones, Billie | | | |
Jones, Edmund | | | |
Jones, John | | | |
Jones, S. | | | |
Jones, William Goodrich | | | |
Jong Jaap C. de | | | |
Joram, Elana | | | |
Jordan-Henley, Jennifer | | | |
Jordan, Jeannette | | | |
Joyce, Michael | | | |
Julian, John | | | |
Julier, Laura | | | |
Kahn, Jessica L. | | | |
Kahn, Susan | | | |
Kajder, Sara B. | | | |
Kalmbach, James | | | |
Kanae Lisa | | | |
Kang Inae | | | |
Kanselaar, Gellof | | | |
Kantrov, Ilene | | | |
Kaplan, Nancy | | | |
Kaplan, Robert B. | | | |
Karis Bill | | | |
Karpen, Jim | | | |
Kastman Breuch, Lee-Ann | | | |
Katz Boris | | | |
Katz, Seth R. | | | |
Kaufer David S. | | | |
Kaye, A.R. | | | |
Kayser, Jack R. | | | |
Kearcher, Kurt P. | | | |
Kearsley, Greg | | | |
Keenan, Claudine | | | |
Keenan, Stacey A. | | | |
Kellogg Ronald | | | |
Kelly, Erna | | | |
Kelly, Jacqueline M. | | | |
Kelly, Patricia P. | | | |
Kelly, T. Mills | | | |
Kember David | | | |
Kemp, Fred O. | | | |
Kempen, Gerard | | | |
Kendall, Robert | | | |
Kent-Drury, Roxanne | | | |
Kent, Allen | | | |
Kern, Detlef | | | |
Kern, Richard | | | |
Kessler, Matt | | | |
Ketcheson, Kathi A. | | | |
Keyes Elizabeth | | | |
Khwaileh, Faisal Mahmoud | | | |
Kiefer, Kate | | | |
Kiefer, Kathleen E. | | | |
Kieras, David E. | | | |
Kiesler, Sara | | | |
Killoran, John B. | | | |
Kimball, Sara E. | | | |
Kimme Hea, Amy C. | | | |
King, David A. | | | |
King, Kira S. | | | |
Kinkead, Joyce | | | |
Kinner, Joseph | | | |
Kirkley Sonny E. | | | |
Kirkman john | | | |
Kirkpatrick, Judith | | | |
Kirsch John | | | |
Kirschenbaum, Matthew | | | |
Kirtley, Susan | | | |
Kitalong Tino | | | |
Kitalong, Karla Saari | | | |
Kitchens, Marshall W. | | | |
Kleinman, Neil | | | |
Klem Elizabeth | | | |
Kleppinger, Gene | | | |
Klonoski, Edward | | | |
Kmetz Marcia | | | |
Knapp, John V | | | |
Knapp, Linda Roehrig | | | |
Knievel, Michael | | | |
Knorr Dagmar A. | | | |
Ko, Ling-Chin | | | |
Koenig Alan J. | | | |
Kolko, Beth | | | |
Kollberg, Py | | | |
Kopchab, Theodore J. | | | |
Korycinski, C. | | | |
Kowalski, Rosemary | | | |
Kozma, Robert B. | | | |
Krabbe, Mark | | | |
Krause, Steven D. | | | |
Krause, Tim | | | |
Kreitzberg Charles | | | |
Kress Gunther | | | |
Kress, Flemming | | | |
Krucli, Thomas E. | | | |
Kruidenier John | | | |
Krull, Robert | | | |
Kruschek, Gina | | | |
Kuchinskas Gloria | | | |
Kuhn, Virginia | | | |
Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes | | | |
Kunst Sabine | | | |
Kurland, D. Midian | | | |
Kuykendall, Carol | | | |
Lake, Dan | | | |
Lakin, Mary Beth | | | |
Lambert, Jason | | | |
Lambiase, Jacqueline J. | | | |
Landow, George P. | | | |
Lane Cara | | | |
Lanestedt, Jon | | | |
Lang, Heather | | | |
Lang, Susan | | | |
Langsam Deborah M. | | | |
Langston, Camille | | | |
Langston, M. Diane | | | |
Lanham, Richard | | | |
Lansman, Marcy | | | |
Larsen, Richard B. | | | |
Lasarenko, Jane | | | |
Last, Rex | | | |
Latchaw, Joan S. | | | |
Lathrop Ann | | | |
Laughter, Jud | | | |
Laurinen, Leena I. | | | |
Law, John | | | |
Lawlor Joseph | | | |
Lawrence, Cheryl | | | |
Lawrence, Halcyon | | | |
Lazar Shannon Ann | | | |
Leahy, Ellen K. | | | |
LeBlanc, Paul J. | | | |
LeCourt, Donna | | | |
Lee, Byong G | | | |
Lee, H.K. | | | |
Lee, James D. | | | |
Lee, Young-Ju | | | |
Leech, Geoffrey | | | |
Leedham C.G. | | | |
Legg, Ray | | | |
Leijten, Mariëlle | | | |
Lejten, Mariëlle | | | |
LeLoup, Jean W. | | | |
Lemon, Hallie S. | | | |
Lerner, Neal | | | |
Leu, Deborah | | | |
Leu, Donald J. | | | |
Levary, Esther F. | | | |
Leverenz, Carrie Shively | | | |
Levin James A. | | | |
Levine Lawrence B. | | | |
Levy, Michael | | | |
Lewis Elaine | | | |
Lewis Sean | | | |
Lewis Tom | | | |
Lewis, Charles R. | | | |
Lewis, Derek | | | |
Lewis, Gloria Kitto | | | |
Lewis, Justus | | | |
Li, Aijun Anna | | | |
Li, Jiang | | | |
Li, Yili | | | |
Lickorish, Ann | | | |
Liebowitz, Jay | | | |
Liestøl, Eva | | | |
Liestøl, Gunnar | | | |
Liggett, Sarah | | | |
Light Tracy Penny | | | |
Lim, Fei Victor | | | |
Lindeman Neil | | | |
Lindemann, Shirlee | | | |
Lindgren, Tim | | | |
Lindquist, Julie | | | |
Lindsay, Peter | | | |
Lindstrom, David H. | | | |
Lithgow Katherine | | | |
Little, Deborah | | | |
Little, Sherry Burgus | | | |
Liu, Jun | | | |
Lively Robert | | | |
Lloyd, Les | | | |
Lofgreen, Charlotte D. | | | |
Logie, John | | | |
LoMonico, Michael | | | |
Longcamp, Marieke | | | |
Longo, Bernadette | | | |
Looijmans, Paul J. | | | |
Loss-Cutler, Carrie | | | |
Loss-Cutler, Ken | | | |
Loudermilk Garza, Susan | | | |
Love, Jane | | | |
Lowry, Paul Benjamin | | | |
Lucas, Brad E. | | | |
Luchte, Jeanne | | | |
Lucking, Robert | | | |
Lumpkins, Julie | | | |
Lund, David M. | | | |
Lunsford, Andrea | | | |
Lunsford, Karen J. | | | |
Lynch Dennis A. | | | |
Mabrito, Mark | | | |
MacArthur Charles | | | |
MacDonald, Nina H. | | | |
Mack Catherine G. | | | |
Madden Frank | | | |
Maddox, Teri T. | | | |
Madigan, Chris | | | |
Mahany Robert | | | |
Maid, Barry M. | | | |
Malachowski, Ann Marie | | | |
Mancuso, Joseph C. | | | |
Mangan, J. Marshall | | | |
Mann, William C. | | | |
Mansfield, Susan | | | |
Marcus, Stephen | | | |
Mårdsjö, Karin | | | |
Margolis, William | | | |
Markel, Mike | | | |
Marling, William | | | |
Marr, Paula M. | | | |
Marshall, Lindsay F. | | | |
Martin, Charles | | | |
Martin, Joseph | | | |
Marttunen, Miika J. | | | |
Marx, Michael Steven | | | |
Mason, Lisa D. | | | |
Matthews-DeNatale Gail | | | |
Mattocks, Linda F. | | | |
Matuga Julia M. | | | |
Matzen Jr., Richard N. | | | |
Mauriello, Nicholas | | | |
May, Jon. | | | |
Mayers, Tim | | | |
Mayo, Lori | | | |
McAllister, Carole | | | |
McAllister, Ken S. | | | |
McAlpine, Janice | | | |
McAteer Erica | | | |
McAuley, Alexander | | | |
McCallum Marvin C. | | | |
McCarron, William F. | | | |
McCarthy, J.C. | | | |
McComas, Dix | | | |
McConaghy Cathryn | | | |
McCorduck, Pamela | | | |
McCoy, Lowell T | | | |
McDaniel, Ellen | | | |
McDonald, Angus S | | | |
McEachern, Robert | | | |
McGee, Tim | | | |
McGowan, Steve | | | |
McGrane Chauss, Karen | | | |
McGrath, Laura | | | |
McInerney, Claire | | | |
McIntire-Strasburg, Janice | | | |
McKenzie, Alan T. | | | |
McKillop Ann Margaret | | | |
McKinzie, Matthew | | | |
McLean, Robert S. | | | |
Mcleod, Alan M | | | |
McLeod, Rosetta | | | |
McMahon, Harry | | | |
McMeen, George R. | | | |
McVey Luann | | | |
Medway Peter | | | |
Meehan, James Richard | | | |
Meeker, Michael W. | | | |
Meeks Lynn | | | |
Meeks, Melissa Graham | | | |
Meem, Deborah T. | | | |
Meijs, William | | | |
Meliotes Arms, Valarie | | | |
Melzer, Daniel | | | |
Meskill, Carla | | | |
Meyer, Paul R. | | | |
Mhashi, Mahmoud | | | |
Michailidis, Antonis | | | |
Michel, Anthony J. | | | |
Mier, Margaret | | | |
Miles, V.C. | | | |
Mili, Hafedh | | | |
Miller Deborah Church | | | |
Miller Jeffrey | | | |
Miller, Larry | | | |
Miller, Richard E. | | | |
Miller, Susan Kay | | | |
Miller, Thomas P. | | | |
Milligan, Caleb Andrew | | | |
Milligan, Janice | | | |
Milone Jr., Michael N. | | | |
Min, Ge | | | |
Minock, Mary | | | |
Mirabelli Christina | | | |
Miraglia, Eric | | | |
Mirel Barbara | | | |
Mirtz Ruth | | | |
Mitchell, Angela | | | |
Mitchell, Sherry | | | |
Mittricker, Margaret L. | | | |
Moeller, Dave | | | |
Mohr Ellen | | | |
Monahan, Brian D | | | |
Monk, A.F. | | | |
Monroe, Rick | | | |
Montague, Marjorie | | | |
Monteith, Moira | | | |
Monteith, Richard | | | |
Montgomery, Nancy | | | |
Moody, Suzan | | | |
Moonen, Bert | | | |
Moor, James H. | | | |
Moore, Dennis | | | |
Moore, Phil | | | |
Moore, Wayne | | | |
Moran, Charles | | | |
Moraski, Brittney | | | |
Morenberg, Max | | | |
Morgan Jennifer | | | |
Morris, Linda | | | |
Morrison Gary | | | |
Morrison, Andrew | | | |
Mortenson, Tom | | | |
Morton Deborah Balzhiser | | | |
Moser, Ingunn | | | |
Moss, Rebecca | | | |
Moulthrop, Stuart | | | |
Moxey, Linda | | | |
Mulder, Thomas | | | |
Muldrow, Elizabeth | | | |
Mullins, Carolyn J | | | |
Mulvihill, Peggy | | | |
Muns, Raleigh C. | | | |
Murray, Denise R. | | | |
Myers Jamie | | | |
Myers-Breslin, Linda | | | |
Myers, Linda | | | |
Myles, Johanne | | | |
Nachman, Louis | | | |
Nahrwold, Cindy | | | |
Najarian, Bahman | | | |
Nalley, Robert | | | |
Nancarrow, Paula Reed | | | |
Narayanan, N Hari | | | |
Nash, James | | | |
Naude, Elize | | | |
Neal, Michael R. | | | |
Neff, Rebeccah | | | |
Nellen, Ted | | | |
Nelson Keith | | | |
Nelson, Alondra | | | |
Nelson, Jane | | | |
Nelson, Mark Evan | | | |
Nelson, Theodor Holm | | | |
Neumann, Kalianne L. | | | |
Neuwirth, Christine | | | |
Newbold, W. Webster | | | |
Newell, A.F. | | | |
Newman, Judith, M. | | | |
Newman, Julian | | | |
Newman, Rhona | | | |
Ng, Maria | | | |
Niday, Donna M. | | | |
Nilsen, Alleen Pace | | | |
Nilsen, Kelvin Don | | | |
Nix, Carole Ann Greb | | | |
Nold, Ellen W. | | | |
Norman, Rose | | | |
Norris, Joel | | | |
Norton, David W. | | | |
Nückles, Matthias | | | |
Nunamaker, Jay F. Jr. | | | |
Nuño, Jorge A. | | | |
Nydahl, Joe | | | |
O'Brien, Sheila | | | |
O'Dell Jacqueline | | | |
O'Donnell-Brown, Kathleen | | | |
O'Donnell, Holly | | | |
O'Neill, Bill | | | |
O'Neill, Peggy O. | | | |
Oakman, Robert L. | | | |
Oaks, Denise R. | | | |
Oates, William R. | | | |
Oatley, Keith | | | |
Oberschlep, John | | | |
Ogura, Ayami | | | |
Ohler, Jason | | | |
Oliver, Lawrence J. Jr. | | | |
Olsen Lynette | | | |
Olson, David R. | | | |
Opdenacker, Liesbeth | | | |
Oren, Avigail | | | |
Orr, Priscilla | | | |
Osborne, Margery | | | |
Ostermiller, Dori | | | |
Ott, William | | | |
Overbaugh, Richard C. | | | |
Owens Derek | | | |
Page, Ellis Batten | | | |
Pagnucci, Gian S. | | | |
Palmquist, Mike | | | |
Palumbo, David B. | | | |
Pandey, Iswari P. | | | |
Pantoja, Veronica | | | |
Paradis James | | | |
Pargman, Teresa Cerratto | | | |
Paris, Cynthia L. | | | |
Parson, Gail | | | |
Partenheimer David | | | |
Paszek, Ted Anton | | | |
Patten, Terry | | | |
Pattow, Donald | | | |
Pauliny, Tara | | | |
Paulsen, Morten Flate | | | |
Paulus, Dieter H | | | |
Paumier, Resha | | | |
Pea, Roy D. | | | |
Peacock, Mike | | | |
Pearce, Judy | | | |
Pearson, Melissa | | | |
Peckham, Irvin | | | |
Peeples, Tim | | | |
Pegg Bruce | | | |
Pegg, Barry | | | |
Pellettiere, Jill | | | |
Peltier, Robert F. | | | |
Pemberton, Anne | | | |
Pemberton, Lyn | | | |
Pemberton, Michael | | | |
Pence, Penny | | | |
Pennington, Martha C. | | | |
Penrod, Diane | | | |
Perez, Samuel A. | | | |
Perfetti, Charles A. | | | |
Perrin, Robert | | | |
Perry, Debbie | | | |
Petersen, Bruce T. | | | |
Peterson, Patricia Webb | | | |
Phinney, Marianne | | | |
Phua, Jean | | | |
Pilot, Albert | | | |
Pinson, Rachel L. | | | |
Piro, Rocco | | | |
Plass, Jan L. | | | |
Plowman, L. | | | |
Plummer, John F. | | | |
Pohlmann, Ken C. | | | |
Poltrock Steven E. | | | |
Ponterio, Robert | | | |
Pooley, Robert C. | | | |
Portch, Stephen | | | |
Porter, Lisa | | | |
Portillo Margaret | | | |
Posey, Evelyn J. | | | |
Poster, Mark | | | |
Powell, Annette Harris | | | |
Power, Richard | | | |
Powley, Sarah | | | |
Poynton, Timothy A. | | | |
Prangsma, Maaike | | | |
Prater, Doris L. | | | |
Pratt, Ellen | | | |
Pratt, Jon | | | |
Price, Jonathan | | | |
Prinz Philip | | | |
Provenzo, Jr., Eugene | | | |
Pullum, Geoffrey K. | | | |
Purves, Alan C. | | | |
Qiao Y. | | | |
Quigley, Dan | | | |
Qvortrup, Lars | | | |
Raben, Joseph | | | |
Racine, Sam J. | | | |
Rada, Roy | | | |
Rahn, B.J. | | | |
Raleigh, Donna | | | |
Ramanathan, Vai | | | |
Ramsay Judith E. | | | |
Rand, Earl | | | |
Ranglova, Krassimira | | | |
Ransdell, Sarah E. | | | |
Rasche, Robert | | | |
Rashley, Lisa Hammond | | | |
Raskin, Victor | | | |
Rasmussen, Terje | | | |
Ratts, Cheryl | | | |
Rawnsley Richard W. | | | |
Rea, Alan | | | |
Redd Teresa M. | | | |
Redman, Tim | | | |
Redmond, Claire | | | |
Reed, W. Michael | | | |
Regan, Alison E. | | | |
Rehberger, Dean | | | |
Reid, Alexander | | | |
Reid, Stephen | | | |
Reinheimer, David A. | | | |
Reiss, Donna | | | |
Remley, Dirk | | | |
Remmers, Tim | | | |
Rendahl, Merry | | | |
Renkl, Alexander | | | |
Renner Tanya | | | |
Reynolds, Susan K. | | | |
Reynolds, Thomas H. | | | |
Reynolds, Thomas J. | | | |
Rezak, Achariya Tanya | | | |
Rice, Rich | | | |
Rice, William C. | | | |
Richards, Geraldine A. | | | |
Richardson, Elaine B. | | | |
Rickards W. H. | | | |
Ricketts, Dick | | | |
Rickly, Rebecca | | | |
Riddick, Sarah A. | | | |
Ridolfo, Jim | | | |
Riley, Brendan | | | |
Rilling, Sarah | | | |
Rimmershaw Rachel | | | |
Rinaldi, Jacqueline | | | |
Risken, John | | | |
Rizzo, Antonio | | | |
Robertson Sherry Rankins | | | |
Robinson Brent | | | |
Robinson, Joy | | | |
Rockwell, Geoffrey | | | |
Roddy, Kevin P. | | | |
Rodrigues, Dawn | | | |
Rodrigues, Raymond J. | | | |
Roen Duane | | | |
Rohfeld, Rae Wahl | | | |
Rollins, Angela L. | | | |
Rollins, Mark | | | |
Romano Susan | | | |
Romano, Susan | | | |
Rose, Jeanne Marie | | | |
Roskams, Tim | | | |
Ross Steven | | | |
Ross, Donald | | | |
Ross, Jen | | | |
Rothermel, Beth Ann | | | |
Rouzie, Albert | | | |
Rowell, Christina | | | |
Rowley, Gwen | | | |
Royar, Robert | | | |
Rubens Philip | | | |
Rubin, Andee | | | |
Rubinstein, Richard | | | |
Rudman, Joseph | | | |
Ruff, Nancy | | | |
Ruiters, John | | | |
Rune Holmevik, Jan | | | |
Rush, Debra Wexler | | | |
Ryall Didi | | | |
Ryan Gary | | | |
Ryan, Marie-Laure | | | |
Sadler, Randall W. | | | |
Sagel, Eric | | | |
Samuels, Robert | | | |
Sanchez Raul | | | |
Sánchez, Fernando | | | |
Sanders, Scott P. | | | |
Sands, Peter | | | |
Sanford, Anthony | | | |
Santoro, Gerald M. | | | |
Sapp, David Alan | | | |
Sarraille, John J. | | | |
Sasse, Angela | | | |
Saudelli, Berthe | | | |
Saul MaryLynn | | | |
Saunders Peter M. | | | |
Savery John R. | | | |
Scandura, Joseph M. | | | |
Scardamalia, Marlene | | | |
Scharton, Maurice | | | |
Scheidenhelm, Carol | | | |
Schelle, David | | | |
Schendel, Ellen | | | |
Schenk William | | | |
Schick, Kurt | | | |
Schoonen, Rob | | | |
Schrauwen, Dick | | | |
Schreurs, Dirk | | | |
Schriner, Delores K. | | | |
Schroeder Lori | | | |
Schroeder, Eric James | | | |
Schultz Charles | | | |
Schultz Daniel F. | | | |
Schultz, Jean Marie | | | |
Schumacher Jr. Robert M. | | | |
Schunn, Christian D. | | | |
Schwartz, Eileen | | | |
Schwartz, Helen J. | | | |
Schwartz, Lawrence | | | |
Schwartz, Mimi | | | |
Schwonke, Rolf | | | |
Scioli, Frances | | | |
Scott, Rod | | | |
Scott, Tony | | | |
Scruton, Chris | | | |
Seaton Brown, Robin | | | |
Segaard, Matthew | | | |
Seitz, David | | | |
Selber, Stuart A. | | | |
Self, Judy | | | |
Self, Warren | | | |
Selfe, Cynthia L. | Becoming Literate in the Information Age: Cultural Ecologies and the Literacies of TechnologyComputer conferencing: An emerging technologyComputer-Assisted Instruction and the Writing Process: Questions for Research and EvaluationComputer-Assisted Instruction in Composition: Create Your OwnComputer-Supported Writing Classes: Lessons for TeachersComputers and the Teaching of Writing in American Higher Education, 1979–1994: A HistoryComputers and Writing: Casting a Broader Net with Theory and ResearchComputers in English Departments: The Rhetoric of Techno/PowerComputers in the Classroom: The Humanization of Computers: Forget Technology, Remember LiteracyConclusion: hybrid and transgressive literacy parties on the WebCreating a Computer-Supported Writing Facility: A Blueprint for ActionCreating a Computer-Supported Writing Lab: Sharing Stories and Creating VisionDancing on the Cutting Edge: English Teachers and ComputersEnglish Teachers and the Humanization of Computers: Networking Communities of Readers and WritersIntroductionIntroduction [Computers and Writing: Theory, Research, Practice]Introduction: The Passions that Mark Us: Teaching, Texts, and TechnologiesMapping the Future: Interview with Cynthia SelfeNew Dimensions in Computer and Composition StudiesOur Pal Penelope: Weaving and Unweaving Models of Theory, Practice, and Research for Designing and Operating Computer-supported Writing Facilities Preparing English Teachers for the Virtual Age: The Case for Technology CriticsRedefining literacy: The multilayered grammars of computers Software for Hardnoses: CAI for College Composition TeachersStudents Who Teach Us: A Case Study of A New Media Text DesignerStudying Literacy with ComputersTechnology in the English Classroom: Computers through the Lens of Feminist TheoryTesting Claims for On-Line ConferencesThe Electronic Landscape of Journal Editing: Computers and Composition as a Scholarly CollectiveThe Electronic Pen: Computers in the Composing ProcessThe Poetics of Computers: Composing Relationships with TechnologyThe Politics of the Interface: Power and Its Exercise in Electronic Contact ZonesThe Rhetoric of Technology and the Electronic Writing ClassTheorizing E-mail for the Practice, Instruction, and Study of LiteracyToward New Media Texts: Taking Up the Challenges of Visual Literacy | "Flippin' the script"/"Blowin' up the spot": puttin' Hip-Hop online in (African) America and South Africa"Seeing it on the screen isn't really seeing it": Computer writers' reading problems"What is Composition...?" After Duchamp (Notes Toward a General Teleintertext)A Computer-Training Program for English Teachers: Cuyahoga Community College and the Urban Initiatives Action ProgramA Limitation on the Use of Computers in CompositionA Theory of One's Own? An Introduction to Theoretical and Critical Contexts for Composition and ComputersAccess: The A-Word in Technology Studies Adapting to a New Environment: Word Processing and the Training of Writing Teachers at the University of Massachusetts at AmherstAssessing the Professional Role of the English Department "Computer Person"Beyond Imagination: The Internet and Global Digital Literacy Blinding Insights: Classification Schemes and Software for Literacy InstructionCaptain Jacobsen and the Apple Jocks: Computers and English Teachers at Glendora High SchoolChanging economies, changing policies, and the Web: a Hungarian perspective Communication and Technology: Defining a Feminist Presence in Research and PracticeComplicating the tourist gaze: literacy and the Internet as catalysts for articulating a postcolonial Palauan identity Computer-Supported Writing Classes: Lessons for TeachersComputerized text analysis and the teaching of writingComputers and basic writers: A critical viewComputers and the Instructional ContextComputers and Writing Research: Shifting Our "Governing Gaze"Computers and Writing: Theory, Research, PracticeComputers in English and the Language Arts: The Challenge of Teacher EducationComputers in English Departments: The Rhetoric of Techno/PowerComputers in public schools: Are we being realistic? Computers, composition pedagogy, and the social viewComputers: Catalysts for Change at Springfield High SchoolConclusion: hybrid and transgressive literacy parties on the WebCreating Writing Activities with the Word ProcessorCritical Perspectives on Computers and Composition InstructionCybercuba.com (munist): electronica literacy, resistance, and Postrevolutionary Cuba Databases for English TeachersDesktop publishing: Perspectives, potentials, and politicsDeveloping and Implementing Computer-Training Programs for English Teachers: A Game PlanEnglish Teachers and the Potential of Microcomputers as Instructional Resources at the State University of New York at BuffaloEthical Considerations of Educational Computer UseEvaluation of Computer-Writing Curriculum ProjectsEvolving Perspectives on Computers and Composition Studies: Questions for the 1990sFaculty Development for Computer Literacy at the University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeFrom Pencils to Pixels: The Stages of Literacy TechnologiesGlobal Literacies: Postmodern Identities on the World Wide WebHumanist Scholars' Use of Computers in Libraries and WritingHype and HypertextHyper-readers and their Reading Engines Hypertextual ThinkingIncorporating Prewriting Software into the Writing ProgramIntegrating Computers and Composition at Southern Illinois University-CarbondaleIntegrating Computers into the Language Arts Curriculum at Lesley CollegeInteractive Computer Tools for Teachers of Writing at All Instructional levels at Columbia University's Teacher CollegeInterpreting the Discourses of TechnologyIntroductionIntroduction [Computers and Writing: Theory, Research, Practice]Introduction: The Passions that Mark Us: Teaching, Texts, and TechnologiesLiberal Individualism and Internet Policy: A Communitarian Critique Linking Secondary School and College Writing Teachers: CAI Staff Development That Works in IndianapolisLiteracy and Computers: The Complications of Teaching and Learning with TechnologyLiteracy, Collaboration, and Technology: New Connections and Challenges Literacy, Technology, and Teacher EducationLiterature, Student-Centered Classrooms, and Hypermedia Environments Local and Global Networking: Implications for the FutureMultiple literacies and multimedia: a comparison of Japanese and American uses of the Internet Norwegian accords: shaping peace, education, and gender on the WebPassions, Pedagogies, and Twenty-First Century TechnologiesPetals on a Wet, Black Bough: Textuality, Collaboration, and the New EssayPostmodern Pedagogy in Electric Conversations Preparing Teacher for Computers and Writing: Plans and Issues at Governors State UniversityReading and Writing Connections: Composition Pedagogy and Word ProcessingReading and Writing in Hypertext: Vertigo and EuphoriaReading and Writing on Computer Networks as Social Construction and Social InteractionReading sideways, backwards, and across: Scottish and American literacy practices and weaving the WebReading, Writing, and Thinking in an Age of Electronic LiteracyRedefining literacy: The multilayered grammars of computers Research and recommendations for computers and compositionResponse: Dropping Bread Crumbs in the Intellectual Forest: Critical Literacy in a Postmodern AgeResponse: Speaking the Unspeakable About 21st Century Technologies Should we do what we can? Studying Literacy with ComputersStyle-Analysis Programs: Teachers Using the ToolsTeaching in Networked ClassroomsTelecommunications Networks: Expanding the Contexts for LiteracyThe Challenges of Creating Networked Connections among Teachers and Students The Effect of Hypertext on Processes of Reading and Writing The Effect of Secondary School Structures and Traditions on Computer-Supported LiteracyThe Gateway Writing Project: Staff Development and Computers in St. LouisThe Haunting of J: Genealogy As A Critical Category in Understanding How a Writer Composes The Politics of Literacy and Technology in Secondary School ClassroomsThey Became What They Beheld: The Futility of Resistance in the Space of Electronic WritingTraining college teachers for computers and writingUsing Computers in the Literature ClassVisual and verbal thinking: Drawing and word-processing software in writing instructionWeb literacies of the already accessed and technically inclined: schooling in Monterrey, Mexico Who Profits from Courseware?Working the Web in postcolonial Australia Writing the Technology That Writes Us: Research on Literacy and the Shape of TechnologyXenes glosses: literacy and cultural implications of the Web for Greece | |
Selfe, Richard J. | | | |
Selwyn, Neil | | | |
Seward, Aurelie | | | |
Sewell, Donna N. | | | |
Shadle, Mark | | | |
Shaik, Najmuddin | | | |
Shamoon Linda K. | | | |
Sharples, Mike | | | |
Shaver, James P. | | | |
Sheehan, Richard Johnson | | | |
Shermis, Mark D. | | | |
Sherwood, Steve | | | |
Shetzer, Hiedi | | | |
Shewmake, Jake | | | |
Shi, Ling | | | |
Shields, Mark H. | | | |
Shimabukuro, James | | | |
Shipka, Jody | | | |
Shirk, Henrietta Nickels | | | |
Shneiderman Ben | | | |
Shoos Diane | | | |
Shor, Francis | | | |
Shostak, Robert | | | |
Shuman, R. Baird | | | |
Shurbutt S. Bailey | | | |
Shurville, Simon | | | |
Sidler, Michelle | | | |
Siegel Martin A. | | | |
Siering Greg | | | |
Silberger, Katy | | | |
Silva, Mary Lourdes | | | |
Silverstone, Roger | | | |
Simmons, Greg | | | |
Simmons, Susan | | | |
Simon, Herbert A. | | | |
Simon, James | | | |
Simon, Kathleen | | | |
Simpson, Jeanne H. | | | |
Sims Brenda R. | | | |
Sirc, Geoffrey | | | |
Sisson, Michael J. | | | |
Sitko, Barbara | | | |
Skubikowski, Kathleen | | | |
Slatin, John M. | | | |
Slattery, Patrick J. | | | |
Sloane, S. J. | | | |
Slotnick, Henry B | | | |
Smit-Kreuzen, Marlies | | | |
Smith David H. | | | |
Smith Erin N. | | | |
Smith Reilly, Susan Elizabeth | | | |
Smith, Bryan | | | |
Smith, Catherine F. | | | |
Smith, Charles R. | | | |
Smith, Howard Taylor | | | |
Smith, John B. | | | |
Smith, Paul | | | |
Smith, Robert | | | |
Smith, William L. | | | |
Smithmier, Mike | | | |
Smithson, Isaiah | | | |
Smye, Randy | | | |
Snyder Ilana | | | |
Solomon, Gwen | | | |
Somekh, Bridget | | | |
Sommers, Elizabeth A. | | | |
Sorapure, Madeleine | | | |
Sorensen, Colleen | | | |
Sosnoski James | | | |
Sosnowski, David | | | |
Soter, Anna O. | | | |
Spangenberg, Lisa L. | | | |
Specht, Jacqueline | | | |
Speck, Bruce W. | | | |
Spehar, Donna | | | |
Spigelmire Viti, Lynne | | | |
Spitzer, Michael | | | |
Sprague Debra | | | |
Springer, Haskell | | | |
Springfield, Emily | | | |
Sproule Bob | | | |
Sproull, Lee | | | |
Stacey, David | | | |
Stallard, Charles | | | |
Standiford, Sally | | | |
Stapleton, Paul | | | |
Stedman Barbara | | | |
Steehouder, Michael F. | | | |
Stein, Bob | | | |
Stenzel, John | | | |
Stephen, Timothy | | | |
Stephens Benjamin R. | | | |
Sterling Institute | | | |
Stevenson, Dwight W. | | | |
Stevenson, Marie | | | |
Stier, Marc | | | |
Stillman, Peter R. | | | |
Stine, Linda J. | | | |
Stoll, Carolyn | | | |
Stonebraker, Peter W. | | | |
Storch, Neomy | | | |
Stracke, Richard | | | |
Strasma, Kip | | | |
Stratton, Russell E. | | | |
Strickland Michael B. | | | |
Strickland, James | | | |
Stroh, Jeanne | | | |
Stroup, Sheila | | | |
Stubbs, Teresa Diane | | | |
Sudol, Ronald A. | | | |
Sudweeks, Fay | | | |
Sugar William A. | | | |
Sugimoto, Taku | | | |
Suhor, Charles | | | |
Sullivan, Laura L. | | | |
Sullivan, Nancy | | | |
Sullivan, Patricia | | 'Outing' the Institution: (Re)writing Technologies with a Rhetoric of Female-to-Male Drag"Whatever Beings": The Coming (Educational) Community(Cyber)Conspiracy Theories?: African-American Students in the Computerized Writing Environment(Mis)Conceptions: Pedagogical Labor and Learning-Enhancement ProgramsAfter Automation: Hypertext and Corporate StructuresAgencies, Ecologies, and the Mundane Artifacts in Our MidstAssessment as Labor and the Labor of AssessmentAutomating the Writing Process: Two Case StudiesBetween Ethnographic and Virtual Worlds: Toward a Pedagogy of MediationComposition, or a Case for Experimental Critical WritingElectronic Literacies in the Workplace: Technologies of WritingElectronic Mail in Two Corporate WorkplacesGaining Electronic Literacy: Workplace Simulations in the ClassroomIntroduction: Literacy Work in a Technology-Rich Culture: Issues at the Intersection of Labor, Technology, and Writing InstructionIssues of Written Literacy and Electronic Literacy in Workplace SettingsLabor Practices and the Use Value of TechnologiesLabor, Writing Technologies, and the Shaping of Composition in the AcademyLiteracy Work in E-Learning Factories: How Stories in Popular Business Imagine Our FutureNetworking Technology in the Classroom: Whose Interests Are We Serving?Online Editing, Mark-up Models, and the Workplace Lives of Editors and WritersRoots and Routes to Agency: Space, Access, and Standards of ParticipationSpecialized Language as a Barrier to Automated Information TechnologiesSustaining Community-Based Work: Community-Based Research and Community-BuildingTales from the Crossing: Professional Communication Internships in the Electronic WorkplaceTechniques, Technologies, and the Deskilling of Rhetoric and Composition: Managing the Knowledge-Intensive Work of Writing InstructionTechnological Labor and Tenure DecisionsTheorizing E-mail for the Practice, Instruction, and Study of LiteracyWAC for Cyborgs: Discursive Thought in Information-Rich EnviornmentsWhen the Cutting Edge of Technology is at Your Throat: A Report from the FrontWho "Owns" Electronic Texts?Working across Methodological Interfaces: The Study of Computers and Writing in the WorkplaceWriting and Database Technology: Extending the Definition of Writing in the WorkplaceWriting Assessment and the Labor of “Reform in the Academy”Writing Technologies at White SandsWriting with Electronic Tools in Midwestern Businesses | |
Sullivan, Rachael | | | |
Susser, Bernard | | | |
Swafford Kevin | | | |
Swalander, Lena | | | |
Swallow, Jonathan | | | |
Swanson Carolynn | | | |
Swarts, Jason | | | |
Sweany, Margaret Faler | | | |
Sykes, David | | | |
Szabo, Michael | | | |
Taggart, Amy Rupiper | | | |
Takayoshi, Pamela | | 'Outing' the Institution: (Re)writing Technologies with a Rhetoric of Female-to-Male Drag"I, a Mestiza, Continually Walk out of One Culture into Another": Alba's Story"Whatever Beings": The Coming (Educational) Community(Cyber)Conspiracy Theories?: African-American Students in the Computerized Writing Environment(Mis)Conceptions: Pedagogical Labor and Learning-Enhancement ProgramsA Virtual Locker Room in Classroom Chat Spaces: The Politics of Men as "Other"Agencies, Ecologies, and the Mundane Artifacts in Our MidstAn Online Dialogue with the Contributors to Feminist CyberscapesAssessment as Labor and the Labor of AssessmentBetween Ethnographic and Virtual Worlds: Toward a Pedagogy of MediationComposition, or a Case for Experimental Critical WritingDesigning Feminist Multimedia for the United Nations Fourth World Conference on WomenFeminist Cyberscapes: Mapping Gendered Academic SpacesFeminist Research in Computers and CompositionIntroduction: Literacy Work in a Technology-Rich Culture: Issues at the Intersection of Labor, Technology, and Writing InstructionIntroduction: Mapping the Terrain of Feminist CyberscapesLabor Practices and the Use Value of TechnologiesLabor, Writing Technologies, and the Shaping of Composition in the AcademyLiteracy Work in E-Learning Factories: How Stories in Popular Business Imagine Our FutureMaking the Map: Interview with Gail HawisherMaking the Map: Interview with Helen SchwartzMaking The Map: Interview With Mary Lay and Elizabeth TebeauxMapping the Future: Interview with Cynthia SelfeOver the Line, Online, Gender Lines: E-mail and Women in the ClassroomPedagogy, Emotion, and the Protocol of CarePostmodernist Looks at the Body Electric: E-mail, Female, and HijraRe-Membering Mama: The Female Body in Embodied and Disembodied CommunicationRoots and Routes to Agency: Space, Access, and Standards of ParticipationSustaining Community-Based Work: Community-Based Research and Community-BuildingTechniques, Technologies, and the Deskilling of Rhetoric and Composition: Managing the Knowledge-Intensive Work of Writing InstructionTechnological Fronts: Lesbian Lives "On the Line"Technological Labor and Tenure DecisionsThe Use of Electronic Communication in Facilitating Feminine Modes of Discourse: An Irigaraian HeuristicThirteen Ways of Looking at an M-WordVoicing the Landscape: A Discourse of Their OwnWAC for Cyborgs: Discursive Thought in Information-Rich EnviornmentsWhen the Cutting Edge of Technology is at Your Throat: A Report from the FrontWriting (Without) the Body: Gender and Power in Networked Discussion GroupsWriting Assessment and the Labor of “Reform in the Academy” | |
Talty, Caryn | | | |
Taniguchi Megumi | | | |
Tannacito, Terry | | | |
Tannenbaum, Robert S. | | | |
Tate, Gary | | | |
Taylor Jr., Lee Roger | | | |
Taylor Smith, Howard | | | |
Taylor, Jennifer | | | |
Taylor, Paul | | | |
Taylor, Todd | | | |
Tchudi, Stephen | | | |
ter Weel, Bas | | | |
Terango, Sally | | | |
Terpstra, Richard L | | | |
Tham, Jason | | | |
Thiede, Ralf | | | |
Thiesmeyer John | | | |
Thimbleby, Harold | | | |
Thomas Harris | | | |
Thomas Nancy | | | |
Thomas, Dene Kay | | | |
Thomas, Gail S. | | | |
Thomas, Gordon P. | | | |
Thomas, Irene D. | | | |
Thomas, Sharon | | | |
Thompson Jason | | | |
Thompson, Diane | | | |
Thompson, Nancy | | | |
Thompson, Sandye | | | |
Thomson Diana | | | |
Thurber, Jamie | | | |
Tobin, Laurence | | | |
Tompkins, Daniel P. | | | |
Topp Neal W. | | | |
Tornow, Joan | | | |
Townsend, Martha | | | |
Trilling, Neil A. | | | |
Tronstad, Ragnhild | | | |
Troutner, Joanne | | | |
Trupe, Alice L. | | | |
Tsui, Amy B.M | | | |
Tu, Thuy Linh | | | |
Tuman, Myron C | | | |
Tuzi, Frank | | | |
Tversky, Barbara | | | |
Tweddle, Sally | | | |
Ulman H. Lewis | | | |
Ulmer, Gregory L. | | | |
Upton James K. | | | |
Valeri-Gold, Maria | | | |
van Belle, W. | | | |
van der Geest, Thea | | | |
van der Mast Niels P. | | | |
Van Horne, Sam | | | |
Van Nest Pamela L. | | | |
Van Pelt, William | | | |
Van Waes, Luuk | | | |
Vanden Akker, Sherri | | | |
VanHoosier-Carey, Gregory | | | |
VanKooten, Crystal | | | |
Vasconcellos, Mary T. | | | |
Velay, Jean-Luc | | | |
Veltman Kim H. | | | |
Venable Carol F. | | | |
Vernon, Alex | | | |
Versluis Edward | | | |
Vician, Chelley | | | |
Vie, Stephanie | | | |
Vielstimmig, Myka | | | |
Vik Gretchen N. | | | |
Villani, Frank | | | |
Virtue, Drew | | | |
Vitanza, Victor | | | |
Vockell, Edward L. | | | |
Voeller, Nathaniel T. | | | |
Voogt, Joke | | | |
Vorauer, Jacquie D | | | |
Voss, Ralph F. | | | |
Vosse, Theo | | | |
Waddell, Craig | | | |
Wagner, Roger | | | |
Wahlstrom, Billie, J. | | | |
Wahlstrom, Ralph L. | | | |
Walberg, Herbert J. | | | |
Walch, James | | | |
Waldrop, Mitchell M. | | | |
Walker, Janice R. | | | |
Walker, Joyce | | | |
Walker, Paige | | | |
Wall, Beverly C. | | | |
Wallace, David A. | | | |
Wallace, Ray | | | |
Wallia, C.J. | | | |
Walsh, Dennis M. | | | |
Walsh, Kathleen | | | |
Wambeam, Cynthia A. | | | |
Ward, Irene | | | |
Ware, Paige D. | | | |
Warren, Chris | | | |
Warriner, Alison | | | |
Warschauer, Mark | | | |
Warshauer, Susan Claire | | | |
Wasko Paul | | | |
Watabe, Kazuo | | | |
Watkins, Jr. James, Ray | | | |
Watkins, Steve | | | |
Watts Margit | | | |
Wayner, Peter | | | |
Webb, Patricia Rose | | | |
Weber, Irene | | | |
Weeks, Denise | | | |
Weiler, Greg | | | |
Weiss, Edmond H | | | |
Weiss, Timothy | | | |
Welch, Kathleen E. | | | |
Wepner, Shelley B. | | | |
Werier, Clifford | | | |
Wessels, Anja | | | |
West, Susan | | | |
West, Thomas W | | | |
Wetzel, Keith | | | |
Wexler, Judie Gaffin | | | |
Whelan, Lara Baker | | | |
Whinston, Andrew B. | | | |
Whipple Jr., Bob | | | |
Whitaker, Elaine E. | | | |
Whitaker, Janet | | | |
White, Doug | | | |
White, Edward M. | | | |
White, Gene | | | |
White, Peter | | | |
Whitefield, Andy. | | | |
Whithaus, Carl | | | |
Whitnell Robert M. | | | |
Whittemore, Greg | | | |
Wiebe, Russel | | | |
Wieringa Douglas R. | | | |
Wilde, Sara | | | |
Wilferth, Joe | | | |
Wilkins, Harriet | | | |
Wilkinson, Alex Cherry | | | |
Willard-Traub, Margaret K. | | | |
Willert, Jeanette | | | |
Williams, Bronwyn T. | | | |
Williams, Frederick | | | |
Williams, Kay Lynn | | | |
Williams, Noel | | | |
Williamson, Michael | | | |
Williamson, Michael M. | | | |
Willis, Rebeca | | | |
Willoughby, Teena | | | |
Wilson Judd | | | |
Wilson, Kara Gae | | | |
Wilson, Linda J. | | | |
Wilson, Shannon | | | |
Winkelmann, Carol L. | | | |
Winner, Tammy | | | |
Winterbauer, A.E. | | | |
Winters, Jo Ellen | | | |
Wisher, Robert A | | | |
Withey, Margaret M. | | | |
Witte, Stephen | | | |
Wojahn, Patricia G. | | | |
Wojcik, Richard | | | |
Wolfe, Edward W. | | | |
Wolfe, Joanna | | | |
Wolffe Robert | | | |
Womble, Gail G. | | | |
Wong, Jan | | | |
Wood, C.C. | | | |
Wood, Eileen | | | |
Wood, Gail F. | | | |
Wood, Susan, Nelson | | | |
Wooden, Shannon R. | | | |
Woodland, Randal | | | |
Woodruff, Earl | | | |
Woodson, Linda | | | |
Woolley, Arthur P. | | | |
Worthington, Pepper | | | |
Wresch, William | | | |
Wright Jr. William W. | | | |
Wright, Anne | | | |
Wright, Patricia | | | |
Wyatt John | | | |
Wymer, Kathryn | | | |
Wysocki, Anne Frances | | | |
Yagelski, Robert P. | | | |
Yancey, Kathleen Blake | | | |
Yang, Yiya | | | |
Yasutake Joseph Y. | | | |
Yatchisin, George | | | |
Yatrakis, Pauline | | | |
Yazdani, Masoud | | | |
Yeazell, Carol Dreyer | | | |
Yi, Youngjoo | | | |
You, Geeng-Neng | | | |
Young Carl | | | |
Young, Art | | | |
Young, Robert E. | | | |
Young, Sarah | | | |
Younggren Geri | | | |
Youngs, Earl | | | |
Yuan, Yi | | | |
Zähner, Christoph | | | |
Zalatan, Katrina A. | | | |
Zamon Mary E. | | | |
Zarrabi, Forooq | | | |
Zeb, Akmal | | | |
Zemliansky, Paul | | | |
Zenhausern, Robert | | | |
Zeni, Jane | | | |
Zeppetello, Joseph | | | |
Zerbato-Poudou, Marie-Thérèse | | | |
Zhang, Qi | | | |
Zhu Erping | | | |
Ziegahn, Linda | | | |
Ziegfeld Richard | | | |
Ziegler, William W. | | | |
Zimmerman Beverly B. | | | |
Zimmerman Muriel | | | |
Zimmerman, Donald E. | | | |
Zoetewey, Meredith W. | | | |
Zubrow, David | | | |
Zuern, John D. | | | |
Zvacek Susan M. | | | |